Naming your child is already a minefield, and it just got a whole lot trickier

It's one of the most important gifts you can ever bestow upon your child, which is why so many parents spend such a long time dreaming up the perfect baby name for their newborn. From flipping through baby name books, to looking to pop culture for inspiration, mums and dads search high and low for strong and meaningful monikers. But there's also the need to be unique. After all, nobody wants their little one to share their name with five other kids in the class.

Thinking of a name for your baby? Don't pick any of these! (Credit: Getty Images)
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A rose by any other name would smell as sweet - unless, perhaps, if it was called 'demon flower'. Yes, there is a LOT to think about when choosing a name for your baby boy or girl. Because it's not just the name itself, oh no; it's also the MEANING of the name. To help you out, we've taken a look through the baby name catalogues and dug out the monikers with the most terrible meanings ever. From sadness to devil worship, unluckiness to physical ailments, these name meanings are all outstanding in their terribleness. Isn't it sad when bad things happen to good baby names, eh? Don’t take any chances when it comes to naming your pride and joy. Pick the best name for your baby and go gaga for these 9 popular baby name books. PS Have you started an Amazon Baby Wish List yet? Let your family and friends know what presents you REALLY want when baby arrives! Click here to get started.

They're nice enough names but the meanings... Eek. (Credit: Getty Images)
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1 - AkujiThe meaning of this African name is "dead and awake" – not very cheery for a new life!2 - CeciliaAlthough this pretty-sounding Latin name may be your name of choice, you may want not want to tempt fate as it means "blind".3 - ClaudiaAgain, you might want to avoid this feminine of Latin Claudius as it means "lame" or "disabled".4 - DeirdreThis Celtic and Gaelic name unfortunately means "sorrowful" or "sad one".5 - DesdemonaYou'd already be off to a bad start as this Shakespearean character is murdered by her husband, Othello. Never mind that this Greek name means "of the devil", "ill-fated one" and "misery".

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6 - DoloresThis Spanish name sadly means "lady of sorrows" – you don't want your little girl to become one of those, do you?!7 - EmilyEmily is an English version of the Latin Aemilila, which comes from the word for "rival".8 - HecateThis Greek goddess of witchcraft is probably not a good omen for your little'un.9 - KennedyA unisex name of Celtic and Gaelic origin, and is often a surname too – meaning "deformed head".10 - KeresThis Greek baby name means "evil spirits" – eek!

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11 - JezebelOnce used as a word to shame women, this Hebrew name actually means "an impure follower of idols".12 - LeahThe name Leah actually has many different meanings in many languages, but in American or Hebrew-speaking families this name means "tired or weary".13 - LilithIt's so close to the pretty flower name Lily, that we wouldn't have thought Lilith would be anything but lovely and pretty. But it turns out that this Hebrew name means "night monster" or "ghost".14 - LolaLola is actually a diminutive of Dolores (who knew!) which is above, meaning "lady of sorrows". Oh dear!15 - LoraleiThis German name is another pretty-sounding name, but deriving from Lurlei which means "ambush cliff", Loralei actually means "she whose singing lures men to destruction". Yikes!

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16 - MalloryYou just can't get any worse than this unisex French name – it means "unfortunate" or "ill-fated".17 - MalvoliaThis feminine version of Shakespeare's Malvolio translates to "ill will".18 - MaraSee, although this name DOES mean "bitter" or "sorrow" in Hebrew, and is also a Hindu goddess of destruction, Mara does mean "sea" in Gaelic. So, you know, there's that...19 - MarySURELY the mother of Jesus has a name which is holy and wonderful? Unfortunately not. Mary means "rebellion" or "bitter" in Hebrew.20 - MollyWe're not sure what's going on with these three but yet again, Molly also means "bitter".

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21 - NarcissaThere are two ways you can look at this name. The Narcissa flower is more commonly known as a daffodil – you know, those beautiful yellow flowers which signify the beginning of Spring! But it sadly also links to the word narcissistic, which means to be obsessed with yourself.22 - NerezzaThis Italian name means "darkness". Which isn't necessarily a BAD thing, but...23 - PortiaYou'd probably rather hear about the Shakespearean character, who was rich, beautiful and intelligent. But the word Portia derives from a word for... well, pig.24 - PersephoneAgain, there are two ways to think about this name. Yes, the first is the meanings of "to destroy" and "murder". But bear in mind that Persephone was the Greek goddess of Spring!25 - RebeccaAlthough this biblical woman is normally looked up to, being one of the main characters in the bible, the name actually means "to bind", "to tie" or "snare".

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26 - SideroThis name is a Latin name meaning "evil nymph". You don't want one of those on your hands!27 - SloaneThis Gaelic name is slightly ambiguous – yes, it means "warrior" or "fighter", but that's not ALWAYS a bad thing, is it?28 - ThanaSounds lovely doesn't it? But Thana actually means "death" in Arabic. Gulp.29 - TristanaThis Celtic name means "sorrowful" or "sad". Poor Tristana!30 - TristesseFollowing the same train of thought, this French name means "sadness".31 - ZillaHmm, this Hebrew baby name might sound very pretty, but it actually means "shadow", "shade" and "gloom"...
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You wouldn't like it if you were named for a "deformed head", we're sure (Credit: Getty Images)
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1 - AbaddonYIKES – translated into Hebrew, Abaddon means "Angel of death". He's also the king of a locust army in the New Testament.2 - AlastorAnyone considering naming their sprog after Mad Eye Moody in Harry Potter, think again. This name is Ancient Greek for "persecutor" or "tormentor".3 - AzazelBiblical groups cite his name as an "evil demon" or "evil spirit", or even a "fallen angel".4 - BrennanWhen used as a first name, this Gaelic name is Anglicised and means "sorrow" or "sadness".5 - BroneAnother Irish name, and it also means "sadness".

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6 - ByronIt's not as concerning as some of the other names on the list, but Byron is derived from Old English "byre", which means "cowshed".7 - CalvinDerived from the French "chauve", meaning "bald"... Don't tempt fate!8 - CameronCould be worse, but this Scottish name means "crooked nose".9 - CampbellAnother Scottish name, this time meaning "crooked mouth".10 - CessairIn Irish legend, Cessair was the granddaughter of Noah and died in the flood. This name means "sorrow" or "affliction".

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11 - DasThis Indian name derives from the Sanskrit word Dasa, which means "servant" or "slave".12 - DoyleThis Irish name translates to "dark stranger". Eek!13 - DraculWell, for starters, it's too close to Dracula for our liking. Even worse than that, it actually means "devil" or "dragon".14 - DugalDugal comes from the same origins as Doyle, and therefore also means "dark stranger".15 - HuxleyThis well-sounding name is of English origin – but it means "inhospitable place".

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16 - JabezThis Hebrew name means "he makes sorrowful", and apparently his mother said: "I gave birth to him in pain".17 - JacobAlthough Jacob helped to found the 12 tribes of Israel in the bible, the name actually means "supplanter" – which is someone who takes the rightful place of someone else.18 - JamesJames is derived from Jacob, which as above means "supplanter".19 - JolonThis Native American name translates to "valley of the dead oaks". Not a pretty picture.20 - KennedyAs seen in the girl's list, this unisex name means "deformed head".

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21 - MalloryAnother unisex name mentioned in the girl's list, this French name means "unfortunate" or "ill-fated".22 - MortAlthough it might just be short for Mortimer, this name means "dead" in Old French.23 - OleanderIt's not far away from Oliver is it? But it actually means "poisonous flower". We'd stick to Oliver if we were you.24 - PhobusThis name sort of makes sense as it means "fear", similar to the word phobia.25 - SamaelThis Hebrew name means "venom of God" or "blindness of God" and was an archangel in folklore. Yikes!

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26 - TeivelThis name is the Yiddish word for "devil".27 - ThanThan is a Greek name for "death" – how morbid!28 - TristanThis Celtic name has many meanings, but one of them is "sorrowful" or "sad".29 - UbelIn this day and age, your little one may be nicknamed "Uber", whether you like it or not. Never mind that it actually means "evil".30 - ValdisThis is another unisex name which means "the dead".
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1 - Aliviyah"Pronounced Olivia. This baby's parents fit every trap stereotype."2 - Baby"Yup. That's the name."3 - Mhavryck"Pronounced as Maverick."4 - Elizabreth"...Which easily becomes The Lizard Breath."5 - Nevaeh"It will always be the worst. Your going to [hell] for naming your kid that."

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6 - Little Sweetmeat"Swear to God."7 - Danger"I work in childcare. I could do this all damn day."8 - Beberly"Sounds like an accidental birth certificate spelling error."9 - Harley Quinn"Not first name and middle name. Not "Harleen Quinzel" and she calls her Harley Quinn... her first name is Harley Quinn. Poor kid."10 - D'Artagnan"They must have read The Three Musketeers."

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11 - Panthy"'Nuff said."12 - Jarica"Parents couldn't decide between Jessica and Erica."13 - Legend"For real. That's the baby's name!"14 - Olive Garden"Well, I have liked the name 'Garden' for a daughter, but my wife was really set on 'Olive' so we compromised and are naming her Olive Garden Smith."15 - Meldor"One does not just walk into Meldor."

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16 - Cameron"Why is this a stupid name, you ask? His last name is also Cameron. He's Cameron Cameron."17 - Merika"As in, America."18 - C'andre (pronounced see-andre)"The mother claimed 'I wanted his name to start with a C because his fathers name began with a C'"19 - Reighleigh"It's Riley, but for a girl."20 - Spartacus"Imagine when they get to school, and the teacher takes attendance."21 - Orlando"For a girl. It was because of the Virginia Woolf book."

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22 - Appaloosa"Yes, for a girl. And yes, like the horse."23 - Sassi"Sassy, but with an i."24 - Stormy Sea"Don't do meth guys. It makes you do really stupid things."25 - Abcde (pronounced ab-cee-dee)"It makes my head hurt."26 - Queen Precious Jewel Earth"I swear to god!"27 - Stiffany"Stephanie and Tiffany, maybe?"

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28 - Hayydden"Double why?!?!"29 - Melanomia"My ex-boyfriend named his daughter Melanomia. Yup. Dodged a bullet."30 - Keeler"Like vegetable peeler, but with a K."31 - Kingsley"You had a baby, not a teacup poodle!"32 - Kelliton"Kelly + Wellington?"33 - Lotus"Lotus is a pretty flower, but an ugly word."
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To be honest, we like to think that everyone makes their own good fortune, regardless of the name bestowed upon them. Plus, you know, there are so many different interpretations of baby names out there, we bet there's BOUND to be at least one good and positive meaning for each of the monikers listed above. However, there's no denying that the likes of Melanoma and Keeler will go down in history as some truly awful monikers.
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