Data premiery sezonu 6 Siedmiu grzechów głównych: Nanatsu no Taizai: Four Knights of the Apocalypse prognozy kontynuacji anime (2024)

The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6 release date: Nanatsu no Taizai: Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime sequel predictions (1)

Fani anime, którzy chcą wiedzieć, co będzie dalej w serialu anime Nanatsu no Taizai, prawdopodobnie szukają daty premiery sezonu 6 The Seven Deadly Sin. Ale skoro seria mangi już się skończyła, czy kontynuacja 6. sezonu Nanatsu no Taizai jest w ogóle możliwa?

Po pierwsze, należy zauważyć, że oryginalny serial anime miał technicznie tylko cztery sezony w oparciu o sposób, w jaki japoński przemysł anime liczy sezony. Ale Netflix zaczął liczyć sezony inaczej w 2016 roku, kiedy oznaczył odcinki Sings of Holy War OVA jako drugi sezon.

Zatem,Telewizyjne anime Siedem grzechów głównych sezonu 5 Netflixseria zawiera zakończenie oryginalnego anime. Na potrzeby tego artykułu liczenie sezonów będzie oparte na standardzie Netflix, ponieważ Netflix ma wyłączne międzynarodowe prawa do transmisji strumieniowych.

Jak się okazuje, bezpośrednią kontynuacją piątego sezonu jest film ptSiedem grzechów głównych: przeklęty przez światło(Nanatsu no Taizai: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi), która ukaże się w Japonii 2 lipca 2021 r. Twórca mangi Nakaba Suzuki pisze oryginalną historię do filmu.

W filmie pojawi się kilka nowych postaci. Głos Króla Wróżek Dahlii udzieli japoński aktor głosowy Yuichi Nakamura, a mistrz rzemiosła olbrzymów Dabuzu zagra Shinichiro Kamio. Matce Elżbiety, Najwyższemu Bóstwu Klanu Bogini, podkłada głos Kana Kurashina.

reżyser Takayuki Hamanadopóki, Prince of Tennis) kieruje projektem filmowym w japońskim studiu animacji DEEN. Studio A-1 Pictures wyprodukowało pierwsze dwa sezony, OVA, oraz pierwszy film, Siedem grzechów głównych: Więźniowie nieba. Ostatnie dwa sezony telewizyjne anime zostały wyprodukowane przez Studio DEEN i koreańskie studio Marvy Jack.

Na początku 2021 roku DEEN wypuścił także trzeci sezon Log Horizon (zobacz naszą historię naLog Horizon sezon 4),Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Sezon 2: Bitwa o Kimluck, iFilmy Sailor Moon Eternal.

Ten artykuł zawiera wszystko, co wiadomo o Siedmiu grzechach głównych „Sezon 6” (Nanatsu no Taizai sezon 6/Czterej Rycerze Apokalipsy anime) i wszystkie powiązane wiadomości. W związku z tym ten artykuł będzie z czasem aktualizowany o wiadomości, plotki i analizy. Tymczasem przejdźmy do tego, co wiadomo na pewno.

Kontynuacja mangi Seven Deadly Sins kontynuuje historię po filmie

Fabuła anime The Seven Deadly Sins jest oparta na mandze Nanatsu no Taizai. Ukazuje się co tydzień od 2012 roku,Zakończenie mangi Siedem grzechów głównychzawarta była w tomie 41, który kończył się rozdziałem 346.

Ostatni tom ukazał się w Japonii 15 maja 2020 r. Oficjalne angielskie tłumaczenie tomu 41 zostało opublikowane w Ameryce Północnej przez Kodansha Comics 24 listopada 2020 r.

Chociaż nie jest to dokładnie sezon 6 Siedmiu grzechów głównych, możliwe jest również, że serial anime może być kontynuowany w przyszłości poprzez adaptację kontynuacji mangi Siedem grzechów głównychSiedem grzechów głównych: czterech rycerzy apokalipsy(Nanatsu no Taizai: Mokushiroku no Yon-Kishi).

Angielskie tłumaczenie oryginalnej mangi nie jest już dostępne na Crunchyroll, ale możesz teraz przeczytaćManga Czterech Rycerzy Apokalipsyw języku angielskim na Crunchyrollu.

The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6 release date: Nanatsu no Taizai: Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime sequel predictions (2)

Oto oficjalne streszczenie historii:

„Percival to miły chłopiec, który wraz ze swoim dziadkiem mieszka na pograniczu zwanym Finger of God. Jednak świat nie był na tyle łaskawy, aby spokój i cisza trwały długo. Spotkanie z tajemniczym rycerzem odmieniło ich przeznaczenie, a szokująca prawda wychodzi na jaw. Następnie chłopiec wyrusza w niekończącą się podróż”.

Istnieje przepowiednia króla Artura Pendragona, że ​​grupa czterech chłopców przyniesie światu zniszczenie. Proroctwo zawiera również niejasny opis wyglądu i mocy chłopców.

  • „Jednym z nich jest chłopiec dzierżący złotą magię…”
  • „Jeden, chłopiec ze świętością i złem w oczach…”
  • „Jeden tajemniczy chłopak bez ustalonego wyglądu…”
  • „…I jedno, dziecko z zielonymi, przypominającymi skrzydła włosami.”
The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6 release date: Nanatsu no Taizai: Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime sequel predictions (3)

Jak można się domyślić, niektórzy z głównych bohaterów będą prawdopodobnie dziećmi Original Sins, ale Rycerz Śmierci Percival jest przypadkiem szczególnym. Jest synem zdradzieckiego Czerwonego Rycerza Camelotu Ironside the Assassin i wnukiem Varghese.

Syn Meliodasa i Elżbiety, Tristan, został przedstawiony na końcu oryginalnej serii mangi. Fani spekulują, że może być jednym z czterech rycerzy, ponieważ ma w oczach zarówno świętość, jak i zło, jak opisuje przepowiednia Artura.

Czy anime The Seven Deadly Sins: The Four Knights of the Apocalypse jest możliwe w przyszłości?

W rzeczywistości dość rzadko zdarza się, aby serial anime oparty na mandze zakończył adaptację całej historii. Oryginalny serial anime był regularnie odnawiany, co daje fanom wyobrażenie o jego popularności.

Oryginalna manga często znajdowała się w pierwszej dziesiątce na listach przebojów mangi Oriconu. Kiedy pierwszy sezon oryginalnego anime został wydany w 2015 roku, oryginalna seria mangi sprzedała się już w ponad 10 milionach egzemplarzy. W pierwszej połowie 2015 roku oryginalna manga była najlepiej sprzedającą się serią mang w Japonii. Do grudnia 2018 roku manga była w obiegu do 30 milionów egzemplarzy.

Mając tylko jeden tom mangi, trudno jest przeanalizować szanse na serial anime Four Knights of the Apocalypse w oparciu o dane dotyczące sprzedaży mangi.

Ale jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że przynajmniej jeden sezon zostanie wyprodukowany, choćby po to, by reklamować mangę i promować sprzedaż hurtową. Pytanie tylko, kiedy to nastąpi.

Przewidywana data premiery Siedem grzechów głównych: Czterech Rycerzy Apokalipsy

Według ostatniej aktualizacji Studio DEEN, Kodansha ani żadna inna firma związana z produkcją anime nie potwierdziła oficjalnie daty premiery The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse. Nie ogłoszono również produkcji kontynuacji anime The Seven Deadly Sins.

Gdy wiadomość zostanie oficjalnie potwierdzona, ten artykuł zostanie zaktualizowany o odpowiednie informacje.

W międzyczasie można spekulować, kiedy lub czy data premiery „Sezonu 6” Siedmiu grzechów głównych nastąpi w przyszłości.

Projekty anime są planowane z wieloletnim wyprzedzeniem, a studia animacji są planowane na podstawie dostępności głównego personelu i obsady głosowej. W tym przypadku największą przeszkodą jest brak materiału źródłowego.

Kiedy pierwszy tom mangi Four Knights of the Apocalypse został wydany w kwietniu 2021 r., manga była tylko do 12 rozdziału. przy założeniu, że twórca nie robi żadnych większych przerw ani przerw.

Aby spojrzeć na tempo anime z odpowiedniej perspektywy, ostatni sezon, Dragon’s Judgement, dostosuje rozdziały od 268 do 346 z łącznie 24 odcinkami. Oznacza to, że ostatni sezon miał średnio około 3,3 rozdziału na odcinek, więc przyjmiemy to samo tempo adaptacji dla anime Four Knights of the Apocalypse.

Liczba torów dla adaptacji anime Czterech Rycerzy będzie prawdopodobnie zależeć od tempa wątków fabularnych mangi. Co to jest cour, możesz zapytać? Dla tych, którzy nie znają żargonu, „cour” to trzymiesięczny blok transmisji telewizyjnych oparty na sezonach fizycznych, zwykle składający się z 10 do 13 odcinków.

Jeśli Four Knights of the Apocalypse Season 1 ma tylko 12 odcinków, to manga zapewni wystarczającą ilość materiału źródłowego dla anime z jednym torem do jesieni 2021 roku. Ale jeśli pierwszy sezon to dwa tory z 24 odcinkami, to manga zapewni wystarczającą liczbę rozdziałów do połowa 2022 roku.

Dlatego w najlepszym przypadku możliwe jest, że data premiery Siedmiu grzechów głównych sezonu 6: Czterech rycerzy apokalipsy będzie pod koniec 2022 r. lub na początku 2023 r.

Data premiery sezonu 6 Siedmiu grzechów głównych: Nanatsu no Taizai: Four Knights of the Apocalypse prognozy kontynuacji anime (2024)


What is after nanatsu no taizai imashime no f*ckkatsu? ›

Anime television series

It is preceded by The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War and followed by The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of The Gods.

What are the 6 seven deadly sins? ›

They are typically ordered as: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.

Is 7ds complete? ›

In 2013, The Seven Deadly Sins was licensed for English language release in North America by Kodansha USA. They published the first volume on March 11, 2014, and the 41st and final volume on January 26, 2021.

How many books are in The Seven Deadly Sins? ›

The series was published starting in 2005 through Simon Pulse and consists of seven books, each one named after one of the seven deadly sins. The book by release date are Lust (1981), Envy, Pride (1983), Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony (1990), and Greed.

What is Meliodas power level? ›

His total power level in this form is 142,000. Meliodas exudes a miasma that causes weaker beings to feel sick, even ones as powerful as Post-Training King.

What episode does Meliodas get his power back on Netflix? ›

13. The Almighty vs. the Greatest Evil. Meliodas regains the strength he had when he led the Ten Commandments.

What is the 8th deadly sin? ›

In the fourth century, a Christian monk named Evagrius Ponticus wrote down what's known as the “eight evil thoughts”: gluttony, lust, avarice, anger, sloth, sadness, vainglory and pride.

What was Escanor's sin? ›

Escanor, a member of the Deadly Sins who bears the Sin of Pride, epitomized by the Lion symbol tattooed on his back, the middle-aged Escanor was originally a prince of the Kingdom of Castellio until he was disowned and driven from his homeland due to his inability to control his monstrous strength, with a woman named ...

What are the 7 mortal sins Catholic Church? ›

"I think it's to remind people that sins are not just individual," he says referring to the Catholic church's old seven deadly sins — lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.

Who married Gowther? ›

Glariza was a member of the Demon Clan and in some point she became the lover of the great wizard, Gowther.

Has 7ds ended? ›

The journey of The Seven Deadly Sins anime reached its conclusion with the release of the last batch from the final season, Dragon's Judgment in June 2021.

Who is the son of King and Diane? ›

Diana, Princess of Wales (born Diana Frances Spencer; 1 July 1961 – 31 August 1997), was a member of the British royal family. She was the first wife of King Charles III (then Prince of Wales) and mother of Prince William and Prince Harry.

What does the Bible say about The Seven Deadly Sins? ›

What's referred to as the “seven deadly sins” are: lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy, and pride. Although all of these things are sinful, no where in the Bible are they called deadly sins, and no where in the scriptures are they compiled into one list.

How old is Lancelot seven deadly sins? ›

Although Lancelot and Tristan were born 2 years after the Holy War, they are confirmed to be 16 years old even though it's only been 16 years since the Holy War as of 4KoTA; meaning there are time discrepancies and contradictions in which they should either currently be 14 years old, since it has only been 16 years ...

How many Elizabeths are there in seven deadly sins? ›

Elizabeth is one of many reincarnations of the Goddess Elizabeth, having been reincarnated 107 times since the times of the Holy War. She was reincarnated as a newborn infant as soon as her previous life, Liz, had died during the destruction of Danafor.

Who is the strongest sin? ›

1 Meliodas

Meliodas is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, and easily the strongest member of the crew. He is the main protagonist of the series. Meliodas is the first member of the group to be introduced in the series.

Can Meliodas beat Naruto? ›

Since Naruto mainly relies on ninjutsu, Meliodas can easily beat him. In fact, no matter how much damage Naruto causes, Meliodas could always use Full Counter and knock him out easily.

How long is 1 minute in purgatory? ›

Time is warped in Purgatory; a minute in the real world corresponds to a year in Purgatory. It is basically a universe separated from the mortal plane.

Who is Meliodas's father? ›

The Demon King「魔神王」 is the ruler of the Demon Clan, as well as the one who handpicked the Ten Commandments and granted them their Commandments. He is also the father of Meliodas and Zeldris, two of the most powerful demons and the two strongest members of the Ten Commandments.

Is Meliodas in season 4? ›

Season four was the first season to be animated by a new studio, Studio Deen, instead of A-1 Productions. “Imperial Wrath of the Gods” sees Meliodas, who just came back to life, afraid of turning back into who he was while the leader of the Ten Commandments.

What is the only sin that Cannot be forgiven? ›

Graham: Only one sin that can't be forgiven is on God's list — and that is the sin of rejecting Him and refusing His offer of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. This alone is the unforgivable sin, because it means we are saying that the Holy Spirit's witness about Jesus is a lie (see Luke 12:10).

What is the 12th deadly sin? ›

The twelve deadly sins that Pastor Varner identifies are: cessationism, stoicism, easy believism, legalism, asceticism, dualism, elitism, tribalism, traditionalism, futurism, mysticisn, and gnosticism.

What is the 9th deadly sin? ›

The enneagram nine's deadly sin is sloth. Similar to the animal, nines struggle to get moving and have trouble doing things in a timely manner, but it is deeper than just being slow to do things; it is a paralyzing fear of discord that holds nine's back from reaching their potential and dreaming big.

What is Escanor's last word? ›

But, alas I cannot be the chalice that will hold you. Oh lord I pray that another chalice will appear to embrace that love. You deserve it. Escanor's last words before turning to ashes.

What's Merlin's true name? ›

Merlin's real name, in Welsh, is Myrddin Wyllt Emrys. The ancient jewellery, talismans, and symbols seen in the series were based on artifacts on show in Jorvik Viking Centre in York.

Who ate Escanor's soul? ›

After Melascula ate Escanor's soul, the intense heat burnt her to a crisp, leaving her charred and black. From then on, she began to fear his power and also wanted revenge on him, making their relationship mutually antagonistic.

What are the 10 biggest sins? ›

  • Gula (gluttony)
  • Luxuria/Fornicatio (lust, fornication)
  • Avaritia (avarice/greed)
  • Tristitia (sorrow/despair/despondency)
  • Ira (wrath)
  • Acedia (sloth)
  • Vanagloria (vainglory)
  • Superbia (pride, hubris)

Can mortal sin be forgiven? ›

This type of sin is distinguished from a venial sin in that the latter simply leads to a weakening of a person's relationship with God. Despite its gravity, a person can repent of having committed a mortal sin. Such repentance is the primary requisite for forgiveness and absolution.

Is smoking a sin Catholic? ›

The Roman Catholic Church does not condemn smoking per se, but considers excessive smoking to be sinful, as described in the Catechism (CCC 2290): The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine.

Does Meliodas love Elizabeth or Liz? ›

His commandment was love, but he eventually rejected his commandment and abandoned his relationships with the demons after rejecting his younger brother Zeldris and killing two of the other commandments. His motivation for this defection was the angel/goddess Elizabeth with whom he had fallen in love.

Who does Merlin love? ›

Significant otherLady of the Lake, Morgan le Fay, Sebile (romance tradition)
Home"Esplumoir Merlin", British woods
8 more rows

Did Ban get Elaine pregnant? ›

5 She Has A Child With Ban

Both Elaine and her brother were born from the Sacred Tree in the forest. Despite her plant-based origins, she becomes pregnant with Ban's child at the end of the series.

Did Merlin love Escanor? ›

When Escanor was dying, Merlin kissed him before he died. So, Merlin did reciprocate his feelings in the end, but he ended up dying, so they unfortunately end up together.

Is 7ds Cursed by Light the last? ›

The film was released in Japan on July 2, 2021, and followed by its Netflix streaming debut on October 1, 2021. The film takes place exactly halfway through the last episode of the fifth season and covers the manga's last chapter.

Is Demon King Meliodas stronger than Escanor? ›

Conclusion: Normal Meliodas (About 65k Powerlevel) is stronger for the majority of time BUT as soon as Escanor's Powerlevel hits that 65k mark which would be around half an hour before noon (in reference to Estarossa vs Escanor).. he is stronger till his power again falls below that 65k mark.

Who is King and Diane's daughter? ›

To answer your question about the character Tioreh, I can confirm that Tioreh is the daughter of King and Diane, which was confirmed by a member of the Netmarble FNC development team who was present at the GDC demo.

Does Diane ever love King? ›

It is believed that Diane still loved King even when her memories were erased, but she could not recall King at the time and loved Meliodas in King's place. Eventually when Diane's memories returned, she and King kiss, and they become a couple.

What is Lancelot power level? ›

Power Level

What are the seven sins God hates? ›

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

What are the 3 types of sin? ›

There are three sins that lie behind discontent—pride, rebellion and unbelief. These are the original sins of the devil and his angels. They are sins that come from hell itself, and they continue in hell forever.

What do haughty eyes look like? ›

The word haughty comes from an old Anglo-French word, haut, which means “high,” and which comes from the Latin word altus, from which we get our word altitude. Putting all that together, we find that haughty eyes are the kind of eyes that look down at other people, as if the one looking down is “higher up” than others.

What race is Lancelot? ›

RelativesLionel, Bors, Bleoberis
OriginBenoic (in today's northeastern France)
NationalityEither Celtic Briton or French
13 more rows

What weapon did Lancelot use? ›

Sir Lancelot's sword is called Excalibur. According to most sources, the Arondight.

Why did Lancelot betray Arthur? ›

In the medieval legends about King Arthur of Britain and his knights, Lancelot is the greatest knight of all. In time, however, Lancelot's love for Guinevere, the king's wife, leads him to betray his king and sets in motion the fatal events that end Arthur's rule.

Which sin is king? ›

Harlequin, also known as King, the Fairy King, or the Grizzly Sin of Sloth, is one of the main protagonists of the anime/manga/light novel series The Seven Deadly Sins.

How old is ban after Purgatory? ›

Note: Ages listed are based on the characters' first appearances. ¹Ban is 34 at the start of the series, but by the end of the anime, he is technically more than a thousand years old since he spent a long time traveling Purgatory.

Who is the strongest in Seven Deadly Sins? ›

Meliodas is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins and the strongest fighter in the group. He was originally the leader of the Ten Commandments, but then he fell in love with Elizabeth and decided to quit being their leader.

In what order should I watch Nanatsu no Taizai? ›

The Seven Deadly Sins Chronological Watch Order
Serial NumberTitleFormat (Series/Movie/OVA)
01.The Seven Deadly Sins (Season 1)Series
02.The Seven Deadly Sins: Bandit BanOVA
03.The Seven Deadly Sins: Heroes Fun Time -Extra Stories CompilationOVA
04.The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy WarSeries
6 more rows
Nov 29, 2022

What is the last nanatsu no taizai film? ›

The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light
Distributed byToei Company
Release dateJuly 2, 2021
Running time79 minutes
17 more rows

Is there a continuation for Nanatsu no Taizai? ›

The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse is scheduled for 2023! As per the teaser trailer released by TMS, Nanatsu no Taizai is set to receive a new sequel anime based on Nakaba Suzuki's sequel manga The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse (Mokushiroku no Yon-kishi).

What is Meliodas's sin? ›

Meliodas. Meliodas is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, who bears the Sin of Wrath as a Dragon symbol on his left shoulder.

Who is the strongest sin in Nanatsu no Taizai? ›

Meliodas is undoubtedly the most powerful member of the Seven Sins, and he was the strongest of the Ten Commandments over 3,000 years ago. How strong is Meliodas? Well, he absorbed all of the ten commandments and was still able to use his existing power and agility.

What episode does Escanor appear? ›

22. Return of the Sins. With Ban and the Holy Knights paralyzed by Estarossa's powers, Escanor shows up to thwart the fall of Liones at the hands of the Ten Commandments.

What does OVA mean in anime? ›

Original video animation - Wikipedia.

Why is Nanatsu no Taizai season 3 bad? ›

With the release of the third season, the animation quality of The Seven Deadly Sins suffered. This was because the Aniplex Animation Studio let go of the series, and it consequently became a project for Studio Deen, which messed up a well-promising anime.

Is Prisoners of the Sky canon? ›

Seven Deadly Sins Prisoners of the Sky is VERY strange in terms of official status. Timeline is off implying it's not canon, BUT movie characters were deliberately mentioned in the official manga, 2 of them were on the cover of Ch. 277, & so much of it ties into the main story.

Did Ban and Elaine have a child? ›

Lancelot「ランスロット」 is the son of Ban and Elaine.

Does Meliodas have a kid? ›

Tristan Liones「トリスタン・リオネス」 is the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth Liones, the prince of the Kingdom of Liones, a Holy Knight, and one of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse.

What happened to Deathpierce? ›

After being freed from Breath of Bless's brainwashing, he abandoned the Pleiades of the Azure Sky and left the Kingdom of Liones. He would not remain in Liones where a Demon and a Goddess was their rulers.

Is Meliodas in 4 Knights of Apocalypse? ›

While it takes some time, Meliodas and Ban's sons, Tristan and Lancelot, do eventually appear in the story and are set to be important as they are Knights of the Apocalypse, just like Percival.

Who will animate 4 Knights of the Apocalypse? ›

The manga has been serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine since January 2021, with its chapters collected into twelve tankōbon volumes as of June 2023. The manga is licensed in North America by Kodansha USA. An anime television series adaptation by Telecom Animation Film is set to premiere in October 2023.

Is 4 Knights of Apocalypse getting an anime? ›

When is the Four Knights of the Apocalypse release date? In January 2023 it was announced that the anime adaptation of Four Knights of the Apocalypse would begin airing in Japan in October 2023.

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.