If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (2024)

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (1)

If God is not sovereign …

Religious types say:

Faith ends. The future is hopeless and uncertain. It will generate fear. We'd lose confidence in God; we'd miss a fatherly umbrella. Prayers will not be answered. Salvation becomes doubtful. Suffering is meaningless. We become sovereign. Who will keep control of Satan/the devil?

They add: All bad things come from devil. Do not blame God for your problems. God's store has only good things. God forgives and heals and does not do any harm. God is the answer. Just submit to God and trust Him.

But some others are not convinced. They emphasize: Do not worry too much about God’s sovereignty. Everything will be all right. Enjoy the moment.

We asked our panel to complete the thought: If God is not sovereign …

We wouldn’t be here

Daniel H. Mueggenborg, bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (2)

The very supposition of God’s sovereignty relies on the false presumption that God exists as part of reality (which ancient pagan religions believed). Accordingly, the question concerns how the rest of reality would function without God’s supreme direction.

Christians do not believe that God exists as part of reality or that God is the most powerful (sovereign) part of reality. Rather, Christians believe that reality itself exists as an expression of God’s creative divine intention. As St. Paul says in his letter to the Colossians (1:17), “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

We exist because of the continuous act of God’s creative power. Without the divine intention to create us, or to sustain us in being, neither we nor the world (or universe) would exist at all. We would miss nothing because there would be nothing to miss and no one to miss it.

Random meaningless horror

Matthew T. Fisher, resident priest, Reno Buddhist Center

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (3)

Buddhism does not postulate the existence of a single creator deity controlling the Universe. A question of God's sovereignty has no direct parallel in Buddhist philosophy. The universe is an eternal interplay of interdependent causes and conditions, without a master puppeteer. The law of Karma, the phenomenon of cause and effect, is the governing principle of the Universe. Ultimate authority and power in the Universe is the natural law of spiritual, metaphysical, and material cause and effect.

We could ask, “What would happen if the law of Karma were not operating in the universe?” In this case, there would be absolute unimaginable chaos — no gravity, no E=mc2. There would be no basis for virtue, no spiritual development, and no consequences or even repeatable results to actions. The Universe would be random and meaningless, without underlying order or purpose. It would be most unpleasant, even horrible.

All would perish

Micheal L. Peterson, northwestern Nevada media specialist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (4)

If God were not sovereign, then His Great Plan of Salvation would be frustrated and all mankind would perish because there would be no Atonement.

“All men are hardened; yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement which is expedient should be made” (Alma 34:9)

The world in which we live would be dramatically different. The solar system with all of its planets that move in perfect order would cease to be. The second law of thermodynamics states that unless outside energy is provided, a system will find its entropy (disorder) staying the same or increasing as time goes on. In other words, a system will never get more ordered without outside intervention. Because God is sovereign, and He loves His children, He provides the outside energy to overcome this natural law and provide for us a perfectly ordered environment.

Now it’s up to us

Gaia Brown, member, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (5)

If God is not sovereign, the universe will not change. The laws of thermodynamics and gravity are constant, even if God isn’t. Since God already gave people dominion over everything on earth (Genesis 1:28), the world around us will still look much the same. People, having received free will from God, will continue to behave with grace, compassion and courage, with self-centeredness, greed and lust. Maybe, if we’re lucky, we will now realize that we are responsible for trashing our beautiful planet, leading to the extinction of many animals, possibly even ourselves.

What can we do? Looks like we are in charge now, and many Unitarian Universalists believe we have always been co-creators with God. We can be the hands of God, healing and repairing Earth. We can be the heart of God, reaching out to our fellow humans with understanding, inclusiveness and love. May it be so.

Miss a purposeful life

Dawn M. Blundell, pastor, Epworth United Methodist Church, Fallon

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (6)

Most Christians believe that God, bursting with joyfully creative power, made everything and everyone we see, and ordered their seasons and cycles and interdependencies. Without God’s sovereign authority to do that, then there would be only chaos and nothingness. For some Christians (including some Methodists), the belief in God’s sovereignty extends to the idea that God is in detailed control of every event; so if God is not sovereign, then we'd have more chaos and meaninglessness. Evil would have complete control, and we would be lost.

Other Christians (like myself) believe that God chooses not to control everything, but rather exercises kingly authority by giving us the choice to reject God as king. When we reject God’s sovereignty, we reject God’s love, wisdom, guidance, healing. We miss out on what could be a much more joy-filled, less self-and other-destructive, more purposeful life, and “the peace that is beyond understanding” (Philippians 4:7)

No universe

ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, Jewish rabbi

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (7)

Judaism has many ways to envision G-d, with no requirement to lock in just one perspective. We grow in understanding G-d. For many of our Sages, G-d is the inner source of existence and consciousness itself. G-d is the singular, Unique One; the unity of all beingness recognized, felt and experienced in the unfolding of human awareness. As the Psalmist writes, G-d teaches humanity consciousness (Psalms 94:10). This miraculous complex Great Mystery is a unifying coherence of all that exists, and even that which does not. Thus, at some level G-d is literally everything and no-thing.

According to our Sages, G-d continually sends “shefa” (Divine flow of blessing) into the world. If for one moment the shefa stopped, the entire world would collapse, G-d forbid. On the other hand, if the entire universe would collapse, it would not change G-d at all (Shenei Luchot HaBerit, Torah Shebikhtav, Bereshit, Torah Ohr).

There’d be no life

Stephen R. Karcher, presiding priest, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (8)

God’s sovereignty includes the power to give life. If God is not sovereign, nothing would exist. Sovereignty means "life-giving." No created thing, even if it were a kind of "lesser god," has this kind of sovereignty because everything created has been brought into being by something else. So, without the power to give life, there is no sovereignty. A non-sovereign god would produce nothing, neither life nor universe; we would not exist and, as mentioned, there wouldn’t be any ‘"on-sovereign gods" existing.

But, in fact, there are many "non-sovereign gods" that exist. In the past, these pagan gods were worshiped openly in temples, but in our day, they’re mostly cloaked in materialism, although still worshipped and served in subtle ways. Yet, the existence of these gods, or spirits, just as with every other living thing, only serves to prove that there really is a life-giving, sovereign, and Most-High God.

A rumination on the hypothetical …

Nancy Lee Cecil, Baha’i teacher

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (9)

If God were not sovereign, one thing would certainly change: Eternal life would be in doubt. Our lives might be but sparks in the infinite blackness that appear, flicker, and then disappear forever. Would this mean that our lives would be without purpose? Some humanitarians are atheists, yet lead meaningful lives by serving others. Conversely, some deeply religious folks whose spouses have died lose all meaning in their lives. Perhaps they would not squander their remaining earthly time waiting for a reunion with their loved ones in the hereafter.

But some things would not change. Although God is All-powerful, lives are not predestined; He created the natural laws and then imbued us with free will, so mortals would continue making their own choices between good and evil. He gave us life — but He is more like a laissez-faire parent who loves us enough to not constantly interfere in our lives.

We are in a world of hurt

Bryan Smith, lead pastor, Summit Christian Church, Sparks

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (10)

If God is not sovereign then we have no hope. Hope sustains us when we come to understand how broken we are and how broken our world is. If there is nothing more grand than the here and now, what hope do we have?

If God is not sovereign, then life is meaningless. If God can’t call us to greater, guide and direct us when we don’t know which way to go, can’t rebuke us when we miss it then our lives are nothing more than a useless wandering as we hurtle through space. What do we aim for if there’s nothing greater spurring us on?

If God is not sovereign then we are still stuck in our sins (1 Corinthians 15:17). This means the sacrifice of Christ was not sufficient, we are still guilty of our sins. We are still lost in our brokenness and separation from God.

Moses experienced something

Kenneth G. Lucey, philosophy/religion professor emeritus, University of Nevada

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (11)

What does it mean for God to be sovereign? The traditional concept of God is of an all-powerful, all-good, all-knowing being. Surely a sovereign God is all-powerful. But if God is not sovereign, then traditional God does not exist. When Moses reports a voice from the burning bush, he would then not be experiencing traditional sovereign God. Erich von Daniken, and others speculate that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth throughout history interacting with humans, and people believed these to be gods.

What if theists are mistaken and God is not sovereign? Historically, people have reported experiences of such creatures to which they attributed divine (but not sovereign) properties. In The Book of Enoch (excluded from Torah but from same period), Enoch reported being taken aboard a flying vehicle, which appears akin to modern UFO. Thus, I would hazard a guess that Enoch’s beings might represent how such non-sovereign “gods” could exist.

Cease to exist

Sherif A. Elfass, member, Northern Nevada Muslim Community

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (12)

It is very difficult to respond to hypothetical questions. The answer becomes a theory and not a fact. Muslims know for a fact that Allah (SWT) is sovereign, with the ultimate power. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran about His sovereignty: “Never has Allah taken any offspring nor has there ever been any god with Him, for then each god would have taken away what he had created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Highly Exalted is Allah, far above what they describe” (23:91).

While we cannot fathom what would happen if God was not sovereign, we can measure along other things. For example, if a ruler is not sovereign over his/her country, what would happen to this country? If a pilot is not sovereign over his/her plane, what would happen to this plane? If God was not sovereign, the universe will seize to exist.

... then humanity becomes god

Toni King, spiritual leader, Unity Center of Reno

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (13)

“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!” — Peter Venkman, "Ghostbusters."

Or, humanity could answer the call, stand up to the challenges of spiritual self-governance, and own the consequences of our choices. There would be no sovereign God to blame. Being part of any solution in creating a safe world for all requires us to tap into the god-within (good-within), align with the higher self, and “live, move, and have our being” from a place of love and harmony, bringing about a more peaceful world.

If God is not sovereign … the universe may be ordered differently, great artists and composers may be inspired differently, and the timeline of us eventually getting to a place that works for all may be different; or would it? Maybe it would all be exactly the same. Allow abiding Light and Love to guide your spirit and soul, individually and for the collective good now.

Next week’s topic: If God is sovereign, why do anything?

Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to rajanzed@gmail.com or on Twitter at @rajanzed.

If God is not sovereign ... | Faith Forum (2024)


What does it mean when God is sovereign? ›

The Easton's Bible Dictionary defines God's sovereignty as His "absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure." The Holman Bible Dictionary defines God's sovereignty as the teaching "[...] that all things come from and depend upon God.

How should we respond to God's sovereignty? ›

God is sovereign. “Therefore” we are called to go and make disciples. Debate what sovereignty means all you want, but the response to God's power is plain and simple when it comes to evangelism – “Go.” Our job is to obey God's plan, not diagram it on a chalk board.

Why do people believe in God? ›

Mercier and colleagues divide the proximate causes of religious belief into three types: cognitive, motivational, and societal. One cognitive factor is an analytical thinking style. People who tend to act according to reason rather than intuition are also less likely to believe in God.

Why do Christians believe in God? ›

For all Christians what is important is that God is the creator of the universe. They believe that whatever the exact process was that created the universe, God is the overall architect of that creation. It is the 'spirit of God' which is the source of all life and creation.

What are three attributes of God that makes him sovereign? ›

The sovereignty of God is related to his omnipotence, providence, and kingship, yet it also encompasses his freedom, and is in keeping with his goodness, righteousness, holiness, and impeccability.

Is God sovereign in all his ways? ›

God is SOVEREIGN over ALL things. He has the authority (right), power, and wisdom to do all that He pleases. Every part of God's creation—all places, objects, creatures, people, and even Satan—is under God's sovereign will and rule. Every event and situation is under God's sovereign rule.

What Scripture says about God being sovereign? ›

God is the ruler with absolute power. He made all things; he is not the work of man's hands, nor a god of man's imaginations. We find the phrase (verse 24), “Sovereign Lord, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them,” throughout the Scriptures.

Why do we pray if God is sovereign? ›

We pray to glorify God, but we also pray in order to receive the benefits of prayer from His hand. Prayer is for our benefit, even in light of the fact that God knows the end from the beginning. It is our privilege to bring the whole of our finite existence into the glory of His infinite presence.

What does it mean to believe in a higher power but not God? ›

By contrast, people who say they believe in a “higher power or spiritual force” – but not in God as described in the Bible – are much less likely to believe in a deity who is omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent and active in human affairs.

Can you believe in God and not go to church? ›

Most people who stop attending church services still believe in God, according to new research commissioned by the Church of Scotland. Many who no longer attend church choose to express their faith in new ways, said Scotland's national Church.

What is it called when you believe in God but not religion? ›

A theist is the opposite of an atheist. Theists believe in the existence of a god or gods. The word deist refers to someone who believes in God. But a deist believes that while God created the universe, natural laws determine how the universe plays out.

What are the 5 major issues in Christianity? ›

The 5 are: 1) Uniqueness of Jesus (Virgin Birth) --Oct 7; 2) One God (The Trinity) Oct 14; 3) Necessity of the Cross (Salvation) and 4) Resurrection and Second Coming are combinded on Oct 21; 5) Inspiration of Scripture Oct 28.

What's it called when you believe in God but not the Bible? ›

The term ietsism is becoming more widely used in Europe, as opposed to the phrase 'spiritual but not religious' which prevails in North America.

What are the 5 arguments for the existence of God? ›

Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways to Prove the Existence of God
  • The First Way: Motion.
  • The Second Way: Efficient Cause.
  • The Third Way: Possibility and Necessity.
  • The Fourth Way: Gradation.
  • The Fifth Way: Design.

What are the three sovereign powers? ›

Domestic sovereignty – actual control over a state exercised by an authority organized within this state, Interdependence sovereignty – actual control of movement across state's borders. International legal sovereignty – formal recognition by other sovereign states.

What are the four main attributes of God? ›

  • Omnipotence.
  • Omnipresence.
  • Omnibenevolence.
  • Omniscience.

Can predestination and free will coexist? ›

Some accept predestination, but most believe in free will. The whole idea of predestination is based on the belief that God is omnipotent and nothing can occur without His willing it. Some believe that God knows the future, but He does not predestine it.

How do you explain God's sovereignty to a child? ›

God is sovereign—He is in control of all things. He is all-powerful—He created the whole world, including you! He knows everything and nothing surprises Him. He knows about lost jobs, sickness, and even death.

Does God have free will? ›

So both God and man have the freedom (free will) to choose and act according to their respective natures. That human nature prior to the Fall included the capacity to choose evil is apparent (because we did).

What is the teaching on God's sovereignty? ›

God is sovereign in the sense that He is paramount and supreme. There is no one higher in authority or power, but that does not mean He exercises His power by controlling everything in our lives. God has given us the freedom to choose. He has a plan for us.

What does Romans 8 28 teach about the sovereignty of God's purposes? ›

God is sovereign and in control of all things. This verse suggests that, no matter what happens, God has a plan and a purpose for our lives, and that he is working to bring about good things for those who love him and are called according to his purpose, including our eternal salvation.

What does it mean to trust in God's sovereignty? ›

God's sovereignty means he is over everything, in control of all things, and beholden to none. He is the Creator; everything else, the creation. It means that nothing can thwart His will or change His plans.

Is God in control or sovereign? ›

The Bible teaches that God's sovereignty is an essential aspect of who he is, that he has supreme authority and absolute power over all things. And yes he is very much active, despite our perplexity. Scripture says, God works “all things according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians 1:11).

What is the meaning of Proverbs 16 33? ›

The real message of this verse is not about “the lot,” but that “every decision is from the LORD.” It suggests that God knows what is best and – in the end – will do what is best in our lives.

Why do we pray if everything is predestined? ›

Prayer is a means to bring to pass that which God has determined shall be.” When we pray, we are not hoping to alter God's eternal purposes; we are praying to obtain that outcome which God has ordained to be received by our prayers.

Does God change his mind when we pray? ›

Our thoughts about God, our feelings toward our neighbors, and the state of our heart all change when we pray to God. In addition to prayer changing us, prayer does change things around us. As Sproul states: The mind of God does not change for God does not change.

What is the common worship prayer for the sovereign? ›

O Lord our God, who upholdest and governest all things by the word of thy power: Receive our humble prayers for our Sovereign Lord CHARLES, as on this day, set over us by thy grace and providence to be our King; and, together with him, bless, we beseech thee, Queen Camilla, William Prince of Wales, the Princess of ...

What is it called when you believe in the universe but not God? ›

Pantheist belief does not recognize a distinct personal god, anthropomorphic or otherwise, but instead characterizes a broad range of doctrines differing in forms of relationships between reality and divinity.

Can a person be spiritual and religious at the same time? ›

You can do either or both

You may identify as being any combination of religious and spiritual, but being religious doesn't automatically make you spiritual, or vice versa.

What religions don't believe in a higher power? ›

Nontheism has been applied and plays significant roles in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. While many approaches to religion exclude nontheism by definition, some inclusive definitions of religion show how religious practice and belief do not depend on the presence of a god or gods.

Can you go to heaven without being baptized? ›

While Jesus told Nicodemus, “Amen, Amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit” (John 3:5), he did not set baptism as a hindrance to salvation but just the opposite. We so often judge things by human standards, but God is not restrained by our standards.

Is it a sin to not go to church every Sunday? ›

Going to church is also an act of obedience to God. The Bible clearly states that continued absence to church can lead to wilfull sin.

What do you call a person who doesn't go to church? ›

Non-religious people can be called atheists or agnostics, but to describe things, activities, or attitudes that have nothing to do with religion, you can use the word secular.

Can you go to heaven if you aren't religious? ›

While most U.S. adults believe in heaven, there is disagreement about who can go there. Among all Americans, about four-in-ten (39%) say that people who do not believe in God can go to heaven, while roughly a third (32%) say that nonbelievers cannot enter heaven. (Again, 27% do not believe in heaven at all.)

Can you be spiritual and not believe in God? ›

People who say they are religious or spiritual (or both) generally believe in God or a higher power, while those who are neither religious nor spiritual tend to reject belief in God or a higher power altogether.

What is it called when you are not atheist but don t believe in God? ›

ag·​nos·​tic ag-ˈnä-stik. əg- Synonyms of agnostic. : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.

What are the top 3 beliefs of Christianity? ›

Some of the main themes that Jesus taught, which Christians later embraced, include: Love God. Love your neighbor as yourself. Forgive others who have wronged you.

What are the 4 fundamentals of Christianity? ›

The Northern Presbyterian Church (now Presbyterian Church in the United States of America) influenced the movement with the definition of the five "fundamentals" in 1910, namely biblical inerrancy, nature divine of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, resurrection of Christ, and his return.

What are 3 main concepts of Christianity? ›

Its points include: Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit.

Which religion is closest to science? ›

A commonly held modern view is that Buddhism is exceptionally compatible with science and reason, or even that it is a kind of science (perhaps a "science of the mind" or a "scientific religion").

What is it called when God does not exist? ›

In philosophy, however, and more specifically in the philosophy of religion, the term “atheism” is standardly used to refer to the proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, to the proposition that there are no gods).

What religion was Jesus? ›

He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues. He preached from Jewish text, from the Bible.

How to prove that God exists? ›

Scientists don't try to prove or disprove God's existence because they know there isn't an experiment that can ever detect God. And if you believe in God, it doesn't matter what scientists discover about the Universe – any cosmos can be thought of as being consistent with God.

What are the classical proofs of God? ›

Evidence for the existence of God is seen in several ways in what have traditionally been called the Classical Arguments for God's existence. The four Classical arguments are simply called: The Ontological argument, The Cosmological argument, The Teleological argument, and The Moral argument.

Who wrote the 5 proofs of God's existence? ›

The Summa Theologica is a famous work written by Saint Thomas Aquinas between AD 1265 and 1274.

What does the Bible say about God is sovereign? ›

God is the ruler with absolute power. He made all things; he is not the work of man's hands, nor a god of man's imaginations. We find the phrase (verse 24), “Sovereign Lord, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them,” throughout the Scriptures.

What does the Bible teach about the sovereignty of God? ›

Scripture teaches that God's sovereign choice is made “according to the kind intention of His will” and “according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will”—that is, not for any reason external to Himself.

What is Psalms 121 2? ›

2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

What Scripture is pray without ceasing? ›

1 Thessalonians 5:16-1816 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Does God know everything you're going to do? ›

God knows all.

God's view is not bound by time (see D&C 38:2). In addition, He had an eternity of personal experience with us before we came to this earth, so He knows the inclinations and character of each of us better than we do.

What is an example of a sovereignty? ›

Sovereignty is the right of a nation or group of people to be self-governing. We speak of countries such as the United States as being sovereign political powers because they are completely independent of any other political entity. Political scientists often refer to this as absolute sovereignty.

What is the true meaning of sovereign? ›

: one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty. : one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere. : an acknowledged leader : arbiter.

What is the sovereignty of the Scriptures and divine predestination? ›

The biblical doctrine of predestination reveals that God is an Omnipotent and Sovereign God, whose plans, designs, purposes and decrees cannot fail, be nullified or altered. This doctrine of Sacred Scripture is rejected, repudiated and harassed by many, including those who claim to be or claim to be Christians.

What is the sovereignty of God in the Book of Daniel? ›

In the very words of Daniel: “the most High God is ruler over the realm of mankind and… He sets over it whomever He wishes” (Dan. 5:21). God's sovereignty encompasses all the leaders of government, no matter how righteous or evil.

What is the Hebrew word for sovereign? ›

שַׁלֶּטֶת Definition. Brown-Driver-Briggs' 1) dominion, sovereignty.

What is meant by God's providence? ›

God's providence is God's caring provision for his people as he guides them in their journey of faith through life, accomplishing his purpose in them.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.