Parakeet Feather Problems | Health Problems | Parakeets | Guide | Omlet US (2024)

Feather-related problems are easier to spot than bacterial or fungal-related illnesses. The parakeet’s feathers will look dishevelled and messy, and there may be bald patches.

Parakeet Feather Cyst

Cysts form when a feather root fails to break through the skin. It grows beneath the surface, visible as a lump on the skin. Primary wing feathers are the ones most commonly affected by this problem. Cysts require surgery.

Parakeet Feathers Falling Out

Feather loss in parakeets can be caused by five separate issues: molting, parasites, self-plucking, French moult virus, or Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (the last three are dealt with on this page).

Parakeet Feather Plucking

If a parakeet starts plucking feathers, it’s an indication of an underlying health problem. It might be parasites, allergy, low air humidity, poor air quality, stress, boredom, mating hormones, liver disease, cancer, bacterial or fungal infection, malnutrition, or heavy metal poisoning.

A vet will be able to pinpoint the underlying problem. If the cause is environmental, rather than an avian ailment, you need to investigate the plucking mystery:

  • Watch your parakeet closely, to see if you can see what might be triggering the feather-plucking. Does the bird pluck when angry, bored or stressed? Is another bird or object involved in the behavior that culminates in plucking? Does it happen after eating? Is the parakeet not pluck when you’re around – that is, is the issue possibly linked with loneliness?
  • Check the light, air and humidity. Is the parakeet getting a 50/50 balance of light and dark through the 24 hour day? Can you move the cage away from the central-heating, to prevent the air being too dry? Does moving the cage to a different location solve the problem?
  • Swap the parakeet’s toys around, to prevent boredom. Make a new perch, to vary the environment.
  • Is the bird in need of a bath? Itchy, dry, skin can cause self-plucking. If the parakeet is not used to taking a dip, use a wide-nozzled spray (not a fine mist one) to get things nice and damp. The shower will spark the parakeet’s natural preening instincts. Don’t overdo the dousing, though, as it may make the parakeet panic.
  • Make sure the food in the enclosure matches the good foods lists given in this guide, and make sure you’re not missing out any of the required food categories.
  • If you often stroke the parakeet on the back or belly, it can stimulate the bird’s mating hormones. This can sometimes lead to feather-plucking.

Sadly, diagnosis is one thing, but cure is another. Many parakeets keep on plucking even when the original stimulation has been identified and removed.

If you’ve tried and failed to address the issue, and if it clearly isn’t a disease or infestation of any kind, you’ll have to resign yourself to living with a semi-bald bird. Some parakeets simply get the habit and can’t stop.

Parakeets Plucking Each Other

A parakeet who is plucked by his cage mates will become very stressed, and can even die from shock. Isolating the plucker is a good short-term solution; but it will need fixing long term. The guilty bird may be sexually frustrated. Providing a nest-box or a choice of potential mates should bring an end to the frustration-related plucking. If overcrowding is the issue, introducing a second (or third) feeding station might help to bring the problem to an end.

Parakeet Feather Bleeding

When a parakeet sprouts new feathers during the molt, or when young birds are growing their first adult plumage, feather bleeding can occur. New feathers - known as pin feathers - contain blood vessels, which enable the living feather to grow. If these are damaged during the early days, they will bleed.

The usual cause of a patch of blood on an adult bird’s coat is a bleeding pin feather. In extreme cases, the blood loss is sufficient to weaken or even kill the parakeet. Large pin feathers – those that grow into primary wing and tail feathers – bleed the most if damaged.

Once spotted, the bleeding must be addressed quickly. The parakeet needs to be caught, and the broken end of the feather should be held tightly for ten minutes. (Note: the pressure should be exerted on the feather itself, not the bird’s body – squeezing the parakeet can cause suffocation.) Once the bleeding has stopped, visit the vet and arrange to have the broken pin feather surgically removed.

Pin feathers above the parakeet’s cere and nostrils are fragile and break easily, but the bleeding is minimal and quickly soon. Parakeets regularly damage these pins in ‘kissing’ bouts with a mirror, an object in the cage, or another bird. Once the blood has dried, it will leave a small stain above the cere.

Parakeet Feather Problems | Health Problems | Parakeets | Guide | Omlet US (2)
Dried blood from broken pin feathers has spoiled this parakeet's good looks!

Parakeet Feather Duster

Feather Duster Syndrome is a genetic condition, often a sign of inbreeding. The affected birds – aka Mops – have feathers that grow in random directions, and keep on growing. This gives a ‘feather duster’ or mop-like appearance. Beaks and toenails can grow abnormally long in a similar manner. Afflicted parakeets cannot fly or walk, and the unhappy bird has a weak immune system, with too much of its energy being spent on endless feather growth. Parakeets with this condition require a fortified diet. Even then, most do not live beyond one year, and euthanasia is a humane option.

Parakeet feathers French Moult

French moult is a virus that can affect juvenile birds, a mild form of the fatal Budgerigar Fledgling Disease. It causes secondary wing feathers and tail feathers to fall out. In severe cases, feathers fall out elsewhere on the bird’s body, too. There is no guaranteed cure, but a trip to the vet for diagnosis and advice is a must.

Parakeet Beak and Feather Disease

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD), or Psittacine Circovirus Disease (PCD), is a virus that causes feather loss, and it can also cause beaks and toenails to become misshapen. Symptoms range from an untidy appearance to total baldness. Skin sores and blemishes are common with this ailment, too. The virus is passed on through bird droppings, and there is no cure. Affected birds need to be isolated, and a vet should be consulted to receive a formal diagnosis.

Parakeet Feather Problems | Health Problems | Parakeets | Guide | Omlet US (2024)


Parakeet Feather Problems | Health Problems | Parakeets | Guide | Omlet US? ›

Parakeet Feather Plucking

Feather Plucking
Feather-plucking, sometimes termed feather-picking, feather damaging behaviour or pterotillomania, is a maladaptive, behavioural disorder commonly seen in captive birds that chew, bite or pluck their own feathers with their beak, resulting in damage to the feathers and occasionally the skin. › wiki › Feather-plucking
. If a parakeet starts plucking feathers, it's an indication of an underlying health problem. It might be parasites, allergy, low air humidity, poor air quality, stress, boredom, mating hormones, liver disease, cancer, bacterial or fungal infection, malnutrition, or heavy metal poisoning.

What is the disease that causes feather loss in birds? ›

Diseases of the feathers, follicles and skin themselves include: viral disease (polyomavirus and Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease), parasitic diseases (mites, lice), and bacterial or fungal diseases of the skin and/or feather follicles. Feathers may emerge abnormally and fall out or be removed by the bird.

What are the health issues with parakeets? ›

Fluffed, Poor Appetite, Diarrhea, Tail Bobbing, Breathing Problems: These are all nonspecific signs that can be due to infections, poisoning, egg-laying, nutritional deficiencies, and a variety of other causes. Provide extra warmth to your parakeet and get it in to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

What is budgie feather disorder? ›

Feather duster budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), sometimes called budgerigar mops, are budgerigars that have a condition characterised by overly long feathers that do not stop growing at usual periods, giving the bird the appearance of a feather duster.

What do unhealthy feathers look like? ›

Affected feathers fail to snap back when bent or creased; they remain bent or are damaged; These imperfections may encourage the bird to over-preen, resulting in feather “chewing” or splitting. Feathers in malnourished birds are thin and translucent.

What are the symptoms of feather disease? ›

Early signs of PBFD include depression, weakness, anorexia, regurgitation, weight loss, low blood cell counts, and diarrhea with mucus. Feathers may be loose, bleeding, easily broken, falling out, and painful in a symmetrical pattern that progresses with each molt.

What are the symptoms of bird feather disease? ›

Typical signs include feather loss, (including areas where the bird could not reach to pluck itself), abnormal pin feathers (constricted, clubbed, or stunted), abnormal mature feathers (blood in shaft), and lack of powder down in some species.

What is the most common cause of death in budgies? ›

Traumatic accidents and accidental poisonings are common causes of death in budgies. Don't allow them unsupervised freedom in the home as they are often killed by other family pets.

What is feather dystrophy? ›

The feather dystrophy includes retained feather sheaths, hemorrhage within the pulp, curled feathers, and circumferential constrictions of the feather shaft. Usually, the down and contour feathers are affected first and then the primaries.

How do you know if you have beak and feather disease? ›

Off-white or dirty looking feathers are signs you can look for. The disease reduces the bird's immune system and makes them susceptible to other illnesses. Changes to their beaks can make it difficult for the bird to feed, while missing feathers compromise their ability to maintain body temperature.

What is the bird disease in parakeets? ›

About This Disease. Psittacosis is a disease associated with birds that can result in a flu-like illness or serious pneumonia in many people who become infected. The disease is caused by a tiny parasite called Chlamydia psittaci.

Can bird feathers get you sick? ›

Psittacosis (also known as ornithosis) is a disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, carried by birds. Humans most commonly catch the disease by inhaling dust containing feathers, secretions and droppings from infected birds.

What is feather rot? ›

nounPathology. a viral disease of birds that causes the feathers to become brittle and break off and the beak and claws to become soft.

Is there a cure for PBFD in birds? ›

Prevention is the best method of control as there is no effective treatment for psittacine beak and feather disease. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to remove the virus once it has been introduced into a captive or wild population.

How long do birds with beak and feather disease live? ›

What are the signs of chronic PBFD? Feather and beak discolouration and deformities. Secondary infections to common illnesses are often seen in these immunodeficient birds. Birds may live with the chronic form of the disease from 6 months to 15-20 years.

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