Ranking Every Agent in Valorant - Huskyboost.com (2024)

What is going on, guys? Librarian Husky here! Today, I will be ranking every agent in Valorant on a Tier list based on how strong and useful they are. About a year and a half ago, I made an agent Tier list, but since then, many Agents have been buffed and nerfed, and new ones have been added. Now is a good time to make an updated list.

Jumping into the Tier List

As you can see here, we have our Tier list ready to go. I’m going to be going down the list of Agents in alphabetical order and ranking them on this Tier list from S tier all the way down to D tier.


Starting off this list, we have Astra. Astra is an interesting one because she used to be very strong, but nowadays she doesn’t get picked very much. She’s really good at post-plant with her ability to put a star on the bomb to either suck the player off the bomb or to stun them, so she’s definitely good in that situation. Her global utility is really strong as well; the fact that she can smoke from across the map in an instant is really good, and she excels in that aspect. Astra is not exactly a bad agent, but I feel like the other controllers provide much more value than she does.

Having a different controller on most maps will usually be more beneficial. For example, on Ascent, I would much rather have Omen because he can blind the choke points to get in, and on Bind, I would much rather have Brimstone because of his Molly and Stim Beacon. For these reasons, I think I’m going to be putting Astra in C tier. She’s definitely not a bad agent, but compared to the other controllers you can choose from, she’s not a top pick.


Next up, we have Breach. Breach is another interesting one because I feel like Breach is much more of a situational character. His utility works best when you have other Agents playing off him. For example,


If you stun an enemy, then you have your Jett dash on them, or if you’re blinding for your team on a site execute. The problem with Breach is that if he’s being run as a solo initiator on a team, you now have no scanning utility or drone to clear any of the site before you execute. This means that most of the time, you’re going to be running through the choke point blind, trying to face-clear every angle to find out where the enemies are playing rather than being able to go through with that recon utility.

Pair that with the fact that there aren’t many maps where he gets to see the full potential of his value, which makes it really hard to place him high on this list. I’m going to have to put Breach in the C tier because it’s really hard to use him as a solo initiator, and he doesn’t get to see the full potential of his utility on most maps. You really need your team to capitalize on his utility for him to get his full value.


Next up on the list, we have Brimstone. Brimstone is a pretty solid controller. He has the longest-lasting smokes in the game and a Molly that deals a ton of damage. The downside to his smokes, though, is the fact that they do not refresh, so you only have three for the whole round. He’s also not viable on every map; you would hardly ever see a Brimstone on Icebox or Lotus. He’s pretty strong on the maps that he’s viable on, and he has a pretty good kit as well.

However, with that being said, there’s nothing about his kit that particularly stands out to me as being overpowered or just really good for ranked in general. This might upset some of you Brim mains out there, but I’m going to be putting Brimstone in B tier.

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We have Chamber. Unfortunately for Chamber, he hasn’t seen many changes in the past year. He did get a slight buff with his ult and the price of his Headhunter rounds, but other than that, he hasn’t been changed much. He is a Sentinel, which means he should be able to lock down sites, which, in my opinion, is really hard to do with just a single trip.

I pretty much main Chamber on Lotus, but in my opinion, that’s really the only map where he sees a lot of value, besides maybe Icebox. There are so many other Sentinels that bring much more to the team than Chamber does. I feel like Chamber is just a really selfish character. Because of these reasons, unfortunately, I’m going to be putting Chamber in the D tier. I really wish I could put him higher, but just looking at all the other Sentinels on this list, he brings so much less value to the team.


Next up on the list, we have Clove, who is actually the newest agent in Valorant. Clove is an interesting one because I really didn’t think she was going to be very strong when she was first released. But after playing Clove and using her a lot in ranked, I can confidently say that she is one of the best Agents in Valorant.

Her “Pick-Me-Up” ability will bring you back to max HP after a kill with a speed boost, and she can place smokes after she dies and self-resurrects for an ult. I think the main thing that sets Clove apart from all the other controllers is how recklessly you can play. You can pretty much play like a duelist, entry for your team, and still place smokes after you die. So it honestly feels like she was designed for ranked. You can easily drop high kill games with Clove, and I confidently say that she is one of the best Agents in the game, period.


I think most people will agree with this take, but for this list, I’m putting Clove in the S tier. She is very, very strong in ranked.


Next up on the list, we have Cypher. Cypher is a really solid agent. His trips are really good, his camera gets you a lot of information, and his cages are great for one-ways or for defusing or planting the bomb. You can be really versatile with his kit, and there are so many different setups that you can do, and he can watch the flank as well. I think Cypher is in a really good spot; he serves his purpose well as a Sentinel and can really lock down those sites. I think that he’s great for ranked. I’m going to be putting Cypher in the A tier. He is definitely one of the stronger characters, and I think he’s very deserving of it.


Next up on the list, we have Deadlock. Deadlock is another interesting one because when she was first released, she was really bad, and basically, nobody ever played her. Since then, she’s received a lot of buffs, and she’s actually not a bad agent right now. On the new map Abyss, I found that she’s really strong. I love playing Deadlock on Abyss, and I think that she’s a decent character.

That being said, I definitely do not think that she’s better than Cypher or Killjoy, and you can definitely get more value out of other Sentinels than you can with Deadlock. The wall is pretty good, but I feel like the Sage wall is better, and she’s a very situational character on a lot of maps. Because of these reasons, I’m going to be putting Deadlock in the C tier. She’s just too situational, and there are a lot of other Agents that you can get more value from, but she’s definitely not a bad agent by any means.

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Next up on the list, we have Fade. Fade was really, really strong when she was first released, but she got nerfed so much and has honestly lost her glory that she had when she first launched. She’s still a really solid agent.


I just don’t really see her being played in ranked that much anymore. If you know haunt lineups, you can basically get guaranteed scans, and there’s a lot you can do with her kit. Her tether is really good to combo with a Raze nade, and her dogs are great for clearing out close corners. I think they’re actually supposed to be cats, but I’m just going to call them dogs because that’s what I’m used to calling them. Her ult is pretty strong too, making everyone deafened and 1 HP, and gives you a trail on where they’re all playing, so it’s great for site executes. Honestly, Fade is a pretty solid agent, and I don’t really have a lot of bad things to say about her. So for this list, I’m putting her in the B tier.


Next up, we have Gecko. Gecko has really grown on me, and I really do think that he is one of the strongest characters. The fact that you can plant the bomb and defuse it with Wingman is so powerful and can turn an unfavorable situation in your favor. His Molly complements this perfectly since you can use it for post-plant, and you can also use it to flush out players hiding in corners. His ultimate is so good with the fact that you can detain enemies with it and pick it up again after you use it once. His blind is really good too since you have to shoot it and you can’t dodge it, messing up the enemy’s crosshair placement. All around, Gecko has one of the best kits out of any agent. Because of all these reasons, I think that Gecko is very deserving of the S tier.

Gecko as a Solo Initiator

I think he’s viable as a solo initiator since his flash clears out so many angles, and he has his Wingman. Honestly, he’s just one of the best initiators.


Next up, we have Harbor. Harbor has had no changes for so long, and it’s sad to see him just sitting in the dust. You can get away with playing him on some maps like the new map Abyss, where he’s decent, and on Pearl, where he’s solid. But other than that, I don’t see any reason to run Harbor. His Cove is pretty decent since you can throw it on a teammate while they’re planting, but other than that, I don’t see much value in his kit. I hardly see anyone ever playing Harbor, and for all these reasons, I’m unfortunately going to have to put Harbor in the D tier. I do think he’s in desperate need of some changes.


Next up on the list, we have ISO. ISO recently got a buff with his shield that literally made him the most overpowered agent in Valorant, and they completely broke him. Just recently, though, they nerfed him, which made him not as strong and broken, but he’s still very solid. His shield gives you an advantage in the first fight of any round, but they did reduce the time on it.

His Vulnerables are really strong and are one of the best parts of his kit. His wall is decent, although I think it is the weakest part of his kit. But all around, he’s still a really strong agent. His ultimate is not bad, but there are definitely some situations where it can grief you, for example, if someone camps your body after you win the ult. All around…


I think ISO is in a pretty good spot, and I’m going to place him in the A tier. I was considering putting him in the S tier, but after the recent nerfs, the fact that you can’t refresh your shield with two kills and that it doesn’t last as long anymore doesn’t make him as overpowered as he was before.


Next up on the list, we have Jett. Despite all the nerfs Jett has received over the years, I still think she is one of the strongest Agents. You can entry with her, you can use the Operator with her—she’s such a versatile character with so much mobility. The fact that you can prime your dash, take a fight, and then get out instantly is so strong. She has many different play styles that you can use. Her updraft is great for taking verticality, and her smokes, although not as strong as they used to be, are still pretty good. I was considering putting Jett in the A tier, but I actually think she’s still deserving of the S tier because of the impact you can have with her.

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I really don’t see KAY/O being very useful in ranked. The suppressed debuff from his knife only lasts 8 seconds, and if your team doesn’t capitalize off that, it’s pretty much useless. This is probably going to piss a lot of people off, but for this list, I’m going to have to put KAY/O in the D tier.


Next up, we have Killjoy. Killjoy is an incredibly strong character. Her turret is great for holding flame or holding a choke point to play off contact. Not only that, but her alarm bot is great as well because it not only gives you info on where an enemy is but also vulnerables them.

This means that as Killjoy, you can single-handedly get info on two choke points simultaneously while afking. Not even to mention her mollies, which are great for pairing with her alarm bot since they’ll shred the enemy if they’re vulnerable and can be used in post-plant. Her ultimate is great for retake and can be used to take sight or flush enemies out of a position. Killjoy is, in my opinion, the best Sentinel and one of the best Agents in Valorant. She really provides so much value to a team. For these reasons, I think Killjoy is very deserving of the S tier.


Next up on the list, we have Neon. Neon recently got a huge buff, which gave her two slides and extra accuracy while sliding. They removed her second stun, but it now pops fast and stuns for longer. The problem with Neon is her viability on maps. She’s good on a map like Lotus, where there’s so much open space, but on a map like Bind or Ascent, where you’re constantly running through tight choke points to execute sites, one Cypher setup or one Killjoy setup, and it’s going to be really hard to get value.


I don’t think that she’s one of the better duelists on most maps. This is probably going to piss a lot of people off, but for this list, I’m going to have to put Neon in the C tier. She’s just not as strong as a lot of people initially thought when she was buffed.


Next up on the list, we have Omen. Omen is a really solid character and one of the better controllers. His flash is really good for taking sites, his teleportation abilities are strong for repositioning, and his smokes are pretty big and last a decent time as well. The only negative part of Omen‘s kit, in my opinion, is his ultimate. But it’s not even terrible because you can grab the bomb with it or rotate sites as well. I think Omen has a really solid kit, and he’s really fun to play in ranked. I don’t really have anything negative to say about Omen, so I’m going to be placing him in the A tier. He’s very solid.


Next up on the list, we have Phoenix. Phoenix is a pretty slept-on agent. His flashes are really strong, and the fact that he can heal himself is pretty good as well. His ultimate only costs six points and gives him an extra life, which is great for entering. Overall, he’s a pretty solid duelist. One of his downsides is that he’s not exactly the most viable on all maps. You hardly ever see Phoenix getting played on Lotus or Icebox, for example. There are just other duelists that do the job better. He’s still pretty solid and a very strong agent. So for this list, I think that Phoenix is deserving of the B tier.


I think the nerf was pretty minor, and I still think she is one of the stronger duelists. Her grenade is incredibly strong for clearing angles or playing post-plant, and it’s a really versatile piece of utility. Her Boom Bot is great as well for clearing out angles or to follow up with for an entry. Her ultimate is pretty strong, and you can get away with playing Raze on almost every map. Like I said, I still think she’s a top-tier duelist, and I really don’t have much negative to say about her, so I think I’m just going to place her in the A tier.


Next up, we have Reyna. Reyna just recently got a bit of a rework which made her heal for 50 HP instead of 100, but it doesn’t run out. In my opinion, this was more of a buff than a nerf because, on pistol round, if you buy a Ghost and get a kill, you can instantly heal up to 150 HP and stay at that for the rest of the round. Her heal will never run out. They also made her ultimate not run on a timer anymore, so you can pop it at the start of the round and turn into Thanos for the entire round. Her dismiss also got buffed, allowing you to clear so much more distance and move much faster in dismiss form. Honestly, Reyna is just a pub-stomping agent for ranked, and I think she’s still very strong. I think her rework buffed her more than it nerfed her, and I think she’s really strong, so I’m going to place her in the A tier.


Next up on the list, we have Sage. Sage is an interesting one because I definitely think she’s good at area denial, but a lot of the other Sentinels provide more value than she does. Her slow orbs are really good for stalling a push, and her heal is pretty good for your team. I think Skye’s heal is a lot better, which is kind of funny considering that Sage is supposed to be a main healing agent. However, her ultimate is very strong, being able to revive your teammates. She’s definitely not the worst agent out there, but I do think she provides a lot less value than you can get with some other Sentinels.


Next up on the list, we have Skye. Skye has received so many nerfs over the past year, but I definitely think that she’s still very strong. Like I just mentioned, her heal is the best heal in the game, and her flashes are great because you can not only use them to blind enemies, but they also double up as info. Her dog is great for clearing the site on an entry, and she’s just an all-around really strong agent. Her ultimate is pretty solid too, and I honestly don’t have much bad to say about her. She’s not as strong as she used to be, but for these reasons I listed, I think she’s very deserving of the A tier.


Next up, we have Sova. Sova is pretty solid as well, but he’s definitely not as good as he used to be. His dart got nerfed a while back, which now only scans twice instead of three times, and his drone duration got decreased. He’s still a pretty solid agent though, but doesn’t exactly get the most value on every map. I think Sova is a very average character; he’s definitely not bad, but he’s definitely not the best either. For these reasons, I’m going to be putting Sova in the B tier. I think he’s just an average agent, and you can definitely get a lot of value out of his kit.


Next up on the list, we have Viper. Viper just recently got a huge nerf to her utility, which makes it so that she has one molly instead of two, you can’t pick up her orb after the round starts, and her wall doesn’t last as long anymore. She used to be really strong, but after all these nerfs, I think that she’s just average. She’s definitely not bad, but she doesn’t really stick out to me as such a strong character like she used to.

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I’m going to be placing her in the B tier. She’s definitely not bad, but not as strong as she used to be.


Lastly, the final agent on this list, we have Yoru. Yoru is a really solid duelist and actually provides a decent amount of value. His clone is really strong to use on an entry, especially if comboed with his flash. His teleportation ability is really versatile as you can use it to rotate quickly on defense or TP back site on attack. You could also use it to fake TP to throw off enemies and play many mind games with Yoru. His ultimate is really strong as well, and overall, I don’t have much bad to say about Yoru. He definitely has a high learning curve though, so a new player will not be able to get the best value out of him. For these reasons, I’m going to be placing Yoru in the B tier. He’s a really strong agent, but you need to take a lot of time learning him and how to use his kit to get the highest value possible.

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