Redacted News - Clayton & Natali Morris (2024)


Jul 03, 2024

CIA Whistleblower EXPOSES how the agency is a deep state machine RUN AMOK | Redacted News

✅Videos we recommend:

CIA Agent Pedro Israel Orta did the right thing. He followed protocol when he discovered huge mistakes the agency was making. But it didn't matter the agency went after him and ruined his life. Now he's telling his story in a new book called The Broken Whistle: A Deep State State Run Amok

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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thou..

Jul 03, 2024


Jul 03, 2024

An Independence Day Story You Might Enjoy | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

Happy Real Independence Day

✅Videos we recommend:

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
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⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


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Jul 03, 2024


Jul 02, 2024

Will Bitcoin and Crypto SAVE the U.S. Dollar from COLLAPSE?

✅Videos we recommend:

The U.S. Dollar is facing collapse as countries ditch the dollar in favor of BRICS currencies. But what if crypto could save it? Countries are beginning to back their stable coins with USD and Bitcoin Magazine editor Mark Goodwin join us to explain why this could be a game changer.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful..

Jul 02, 2024


Jul 01, 2024

He's DESTROYING the deep state narrative and they're NOT HAPPY about it | Redacted w Clayton Morri..

✅Videos we recommend:

Ian Carroll joins Redacted for a deep dive conversation about the deep state agenda, social media censorship, and why the Game Stop story is so important.

You can follow Ian right here on X:

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description..

Jul 01, 2024


Jun 29, 2024

He's EXPOSING the truth of the Oklahoma City bombing and they don't like it | Redacted News

✅Videos we recommend:

Everything you thought you knew about the Oklahoma City bombing could be wrong. Newly unearthed documents, details and first hand accounts are shining a new light on one of the largest attacks on American soil. Journalist Derrick Broze shares insights from his new multi-part documentary series.

Watch the Full Series:

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality ..

Jun 29, 2024


Jun 28, 2024

Viva Frei: On Mainstream Media Lies, Lawlessness, and Independent Journalism in Biden's America

✅Videos we recommend:

Viva Frei is one of the most trusted vloggers when it comes to politics and law in the U.S. and Canada. But why does he do this at a time when lawlessness is the law of the land? We talk about what we are fighting for both as independent broadcasters and parents!

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
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⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Jun 28, 2024


Jun 27, 2024

"They're planning a FAKE alien invasion" as the ULTIMATE false flag | Redacted with Clayton Morris

✅Videos we recommend:

Dr. Michael Salla is asking a very important question: Why is the US Congress passing bills to reinstate the military draft in the US? What possible war scenario would require millions of conscripts being trained to fight on US soil? Renowned UFO researcher Dr. Michael Salla has some very deep sources inside the US military and his sources are warning of a very dark plan.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
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⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali ..

Jun 27, 2024


Jun 26, 2024

She's EXPOSING the Great Plant-Based Con and it's WORSE that we thought | Redacted w Natali Morris

✅Videos we recommend:

Who is behind the push to demonize meat eating and push the vegan agenda? Author Jane Buxton joins us to tell us about her research on the best-selling book "The Great Plant-Based Con." Her book is eye-opening! Watch this interview and read it!

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
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⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of th..

Jun 26, 2024


Jun 25, 2024

Alex Epstein EXPOSES How Fossil Fuels Can Save Humanity (if we allow it) Redacted w Clayton Morris

✅Videos we recommend:

What happens when you remove oil, coal, and natural gas from our energy production? Could it be a man made catastrophe when you force us onto unreliable solar and wind? We're about to find out now that the Biden administration instituted new rules to basically remove coal powered plants and natural gas production in The United States.

Author Alex Epstein has been sounding the alarm on humanity's need for fossil fuels. His books are Fossil Future, and the Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. You can learn about his climate teachings on his website:

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensi..

Jun 25, 2024


Jun 24, 2024

"This is a HUGE victory for Women" and Biden is furious | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

✅Videos we recommend:

A federal court has struck down Title IX in the six states that sued to stop it. This is the law that the Biden administration put into place to destroy women's rights in education.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


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Jun 24, 2024


Jun 23, 2024

Putin just made an OMINOUS nuclear warning, and the west better pay attention | Redacted News

Vladimir Putin has just issued what can only be described as a chilling warning involving nuclear weapons, global world order, and NATO's continued provocation. Asia rolled out the red carpet for Putin this week... during his Asia tour, which included stops in North Korea and Vietnam, Putin dropped a bombshell—both metaphorically and potentially literally.

Thanks to Atha Energy Corp for sponsoring today's video. You can learn more about their uranium projects here:

✅Videos we recommend:

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description and in..

Jun 23, 2024


Jun 22, 2024

"Justin Trudeau is FINISHED" as Canadians take to the streets | Redacted with Clayton Morris

✅Videos we recommend:

Canadians have had enough of the Trudeau policies pushing gender ideology and other woke programs on their kids.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appre..

Jun 22, 2024


Jun 21, 2024

✅Videos we recommend:

The Justice Department will not prosecute the head of the Justice Department, Attorney General Merrick Garland for refusing to hand over tapes of President Biden's interview over classified documents. Shocking, I know. First time Redacted guest Viva Frei joins us to break this down and we are thrilled to have him!

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

📺 Want to bypass chat limits on our LIVE streams?
Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, co..

Jun 21, 2024


Jun 20, 2024

✅Videos we recommend:

The Biden administration wants to put electronic tags on all bison and cattle that moves between state lines. Why? It can't be because of bird flu! Sixth generation farmer Trent Loos joins us to discuss it.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

📺 Want to bypass chat limits on our LIVE streams?
Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description and in our ..

Jun 20, 2024


Jun 19, 2024

It's HAPPENING! Liberal sanctuary cities COLLAPSING because of this | Redacted with Clayton Morris

✅Videos we recommend:

Liberal sanctuary cities across the U.S. are collapsing under their own failed immigration policies. New York City is now trying to reverse course and eliminate its sanctuary status.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

📺 Want to bypass chat limits on our LIVE streams?
Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate..

Jun 19, 2024


Jun 19, 2024

"Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted

✅Videos we recommend:

Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

📺 Want to bypass chat limits on our LIVE streams?
Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and..

Jun 19, 2024


Jun 18, 2024

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Ground News: Go to to see through mainstream media narratives. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access to Ground News this month.

Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel:800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE Gold and Silver investor guides from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

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Jun 18, 2024


Jun 18, 2024

Hang on! What is "Boofing"? And why are YOU paying for it? | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

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Maine is handing out “boofing” kits to fentanyl addicts. Boofing is when you shoot drugs up your butt. Sorry. We're not doing it, we're just telling you about it because taxpayers are paying for it. Why are they doing this when there is no research showing that this will help anyone!?

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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtf..

Jun 18, 2024


Jun 18, 2024

"Biden will be REPLACED on 2024 ballot!" Congresswoman Luna confirms | Redacted with Clayton Morri..

✅Videos we recommend:

The White House in full panic mode trying to censor videos of the President wandering off stage, wandering around the G7 and being led offstage by President Obama. The White House is now calling them "disinformation" videos! Meanwhile we now have confirmation that Biden will be replaced on the Democratic ticket in the coming weeks. Will it be Gavin Newsom?

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you q..

Jun 18, 2024


Jun 17, 2024


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The White House in full panic mode trying to censor videos of the President wandering off stage, wandering around the G7 and being led offstage by President Obama. The White House is now calling them "disinformation" videos! Meanwhile we now have confirmation that Biden will be replaced on the Democratic ticket in the coming weeks. Will it be Gavin Newsom?

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Jun 17, 2024


Jun 16, 2024

BRICS Bombshell! Putin and China just DESTROYED the U.S. Dollar with this move | Redacted

We have THREE huge BRICS stories this week. First, BRICS announced a new payment system that directly challenges the dominance of the US dollar in international transactions. No more SWIFT system. Saudi Arabia ends it's 50 year petro dollar agreement and announces they're joining BRICS. And 59 new countries plan to join the BRICS system. This is a massive gut punch to the U.S. Dollar dominance as the world's reserve currency.

Our thanks to Hillcrest Energy Tech for sponsoring today's video. Visit their website here to learn about their new technology:

✅Videos we recommend:

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
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⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton..

Jun 16, 2024


Jun 16, 2024

Poland just SHOCKED the world, and NATO and EU globalists are furious | Redacted with Clayton Morr..

✅Videos we recommend:

Poland just shocked NATO with record breaking election results that are a direct repudiation of the globalist agenda. Polish people stood up and said "we don't want to be a garrison for NATO, we don't want the Ukrainization of Poland." Polish EU MP Grzegorz Braun just won a landslide election victory which is a big middle finger to NATO and the EU globalist cabal. Let's use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire of globalism.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factor..

Jun 16, 2024


Jun 16, 2024

✅Videos we recommend:

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas lost a court appeal that would allow him to compete in the women's category in the Paris Olympics. After years of lapping female competitors, that fun game is over for Thomas.

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

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Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description and in our..

Jun 16, 2024


Jun 15, 2024

This is Trudeau's BIGGEST scandal and could bring down Canadian government | Redacted News

✅Videos we recommend:

Canada has a massive spy scandal on its hands

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

📺 Want to bypass chat limits on our LIVE streams?
Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.

The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be ..

Jun 15, 2024


Jun 15, 2024

CRY ME A RIVER! Media elites SCARED Trump is going to IMPRISON them if he wins | Redacted News

✅Videos we recommend:

Corporate media are warning that they may be imprisoned if Donald Trump is re-elected and telling us that they're very scared. This rings a bit hollow considering they were allowed to lead their broadcasts with Russia-gate for the entire Trump administration without consequence. Politicians are in on this fear-mongering too. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that she she “wouldn’t be surprised if this guy (Trump) threw me in jail."

✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557
👉 or go to
⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital
⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase

Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST

📺 Want to bypass chat limits on our LIVE streams?
Become a YouTube Channel Member today. This is TOTALLY different than the community over on Locals. Head to this link to join:

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by..

Jun 15, 2024



He's EXPOSING the truth of the Oklahoma City bombing and they don't like it | Redacted News

4days, 23hours ago


He's DESTROYING the deep state narrative and they're NOT HAPPY about it | Redacted w Clayton Morri..

3days ago


"What this DHS guy said TERRIFIED me to the core" | Redacted with Clayton Morris

1month, 2weeks ago


SHOCKING: Royal Family's Secret Exposed! Why Are They Hiding Kate Middleton? | Redacted News

3months, 3weeks ago


Poland just SHOCKED the world, and NATO and EU globalists are furious | Redacted with Clayton Morr..

2weeks, 4days ago


Russian forces are STUNNED by what they just found in Ukraine!!? | Redacted with Clayton Morris

1month, 2weeks ago


"These PREDICTIONS have come ALL come true!" UFO Expert warns what's next is terrifying | Redacted

6months ago


The Royal Family is lying about Princess Kate and they're trying to hide something BIG | Redacted

3months, 1week ago


"Justin Trudeau is FINISHED" as Canadians take to the streets | Redacted with Clayton Morris

1week, 5days ago


"Something HUGE is about to happen" and U.S. dominance is on the line | Redacted w Clayton Morris

3weeks, 4days ago

Redacted News - Clayton & Natali Morris (71)Redacted News - Clayton & Natali Morris (72)

Created 1year, 10months ago.

3827 videos


Redacted is a daily news show hosted by journalists Clayton and Natali Morris. Redacted covers the news the mainstream media largely ignores.

Redacted News - Clayton & Natali Morris (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.