The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (2024)

You are certainly wondering why your parakeet loses its feathers. The reasons for the loss of feathers of your bird can be varied. Indeed, it may be p, from a simple period of moult, a behavior ofgrubbing, virus, beak and feather disease of the parakeet… Thus, you will discover in this article the reasons why your budgerigar, your co*ckatiel, your blue-collared parakeet, your Alexander parakeet, your green-winged parakeet or even your omnicolor parakeet starts to lose its feathers, for no apparent reason. Good reading!

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (1)

In this section:

If your parakeet is losing its feathers, it may be shedding

The period of moult in the parakeet is a completely normal event. During a moult, the parakeet loses its feathers as well as new feathers will come to take place on its plumage. This can cause bleeding in your bird. The moulting period lasts between two and three weeks in the parakeet. After a period of moulting, it is normal for your budgie no longer flies during sometime. She needs to get used to her new plumage. She will thus remain placed on her perch or on the floor of her cage.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (2)

Bleeding parakeet feathers

Le feather bleeding of a parakeet is a common phenomenon after moulting. Indeed, when a parakeet moults, it replaces its old feathers with new ones. As the new feather grows, it pushes the old feather outward causing the shaft to detach from the blood vessels. When this happens, the blood vessels around the stem can burst and cause a feather bleeding. It is important to understand what constitutes normal bleeding in a moulting parakeet and what does not. THE bleeding which come from a parakeet in moult are usually slight et localized. It usually stops after a few minutes.

If the bleeding continues and gets worse, it may be a sign of a more serious health problem. If the bleeding persists, it is therefore preferable to take the parakeet to a veterinary. The latter will be able to diagnose the problem and provide the appropriate treatment. In most cases, the bleeding will stop on its own once the new feather and stem have grown in and the blood vessels have healed. It is also important to check the parakeet regularly to ensure that the new feather and stem are developing properly. This ensures that the feathers of the parakeet are healthy.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (3)

Your bird plucks its feathers on its own: bad habit or disease?

If your parakeet plucks feathers with beak, it is quite possible that it is a bad habit that will have to be overcome with the help ofrecreational activities: take your pet out regularly and make sure your parakeet has a playmate (two females or a couple are ideal; two males in the same cage are not recommended due to possible quarrels). Also place something to wear out the beak and some toys in your bird's cage. Indeed, if your parakeet bored, it will tend to to pluck.

On the other hand, it is also very likely that if your parakeet tears out the plumage, this is related to a latent health problem. It will then be important to find the reason why your bird is shedding. In this case, you will have to bring your parakeet to the veterinary to determine if this behavior is related to a malnutrition (if your budgie no longer eats or if the food is not suitable for example), to a heavy metal poisoning, has a space not healthy enough (the room in which your parakeet is located must be ventilated and its cage cleaned and disinfected regularly), at a fungal infection ou bactérienne, Has reproductive hormones, has a cancer, to one liver disease, to one allergies, Has p, has a low air humidity level, to stress… Only the veterinarian will be able to make a sure diagnosis and be able to provide the necessary help to your animal.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (5)

Loss of your pet's plumage: parasites

Personalized p can contribute to the feather loss in parakeets. THE external parasites such as lice and mites can cause itching and irritations which can lead to loss of feathers. Internal parasites such as intestinal worms can cause digestive disorders which can affect the overall health of the bird and lead to loss of feathers. It is important to check your parakeet's feathers regularly and consult a avian veterinarian if you notice excessive feather loss or other signs of illness. Treating parasites can help prevent feather loss and maintain your parakeet's health.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (6)

Your parakeet is scratching and losing its feathers: it may have dry skin

If so, your bird will need a bath. The fact of wash your parakeet will then allow him to hydrate as well as stopper so the itching. A parakeet, even if it is supposed to groom itself, can sometimes get carried away and forget to clean itself. So, you will have to help your parakeet wake up his toilet instinct by having him take a bath. Remember that you should not never use de soap or soft shampoo to wash your bird.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (7)

Parakeet beak and feather disease

Beak and feather disease is a potentially fatal virus that affects parakeets. It is caused by a pox viruswhich is a type of avian DNA virus. THE virus is very infectious and can spread rapidly in the parakeet population. The virus is present in a number of bird species, but it is particularly dangerous for parakeets.

Symptoms of beak and feather disease

The most common symptom of beak and feather disease in parakeets is a gradual loss of feathers. In some cases the feathers may simply fade ou deform, but in the most severe cases, they can fall completely. Besides feather loss, parakeets can also suffer from respiratory problems, as the cough or sneezing. They can also develop skin lesions and beak deformities.

Treatment of beak and feather disease

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this disease in parakeets. However, treatment is available to help manage symptoms and slow disease progression. Treatment usually involves providing the parakeet with a nutritious diet, as well as to perform regular medical checks. In some cases, antibiotics and antiviral drugs may be prescribed to help reduce symptoms.

Prevention of beak and feather disease

In order to prevent beak and feather disease in parakeets, it is important to practice a good hygiene and maintain a clean environment. It is also important to avoid overcrowding in the cage and toisolate any sick bird. Vaccines are available for some species of birds, but unfortunately there is no vaccine for parakeets.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (8)

Loss of Your Bird's Feathers: Mutual Pecking in Parakeets

If you have placed your parakeet with a congener in the same cage, it is quite possible that your parakeet has his feathers plucked by his comrade. This will generate a heavy dose of stress for your pet: it will therefore be necessary to stop these bad habits immediately. To start, make sure you have several food points in your bird cage. Then, when you adopt two parakeets, be sure to take two females ou a coupleMore avoid at all costs placing two male parakeets in the same cage, at the risk that they fight ou tear each other's feathers. If this behavior of mutual tapping takes place between two female parakeets, they may be sexually frustrated. In this case, you will have to find a partner for your bird.

The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (9)
The reasons why your parakeet loses its feathers - Roedorium (2024)
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